Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is responsible for PhosAgro’s long-term development, providing professional, considered and accurate guidance to the Company’s management.
It operates in accordance with the Law on Joint Stock Companies, the Company’s Charter, guidelines of the UK Corporate Governance Code and generally accepted good practice in corporate governance.
Some of the key activities undertaken by the Board of Directors in 2012 included:
- Monitoring implementation of the 2012 budget and strategic plans, and approving a new budget for 2013 based on the Company’s operational needs and strategic priorities (for more information on PhosAgro’s strategy see Our strategy);
- Recommending dividend payments for 2011, 1H 2012 and 9M 2012; dividend payments recommended by the Board have consistently been above the 20%-40% range we committed to during the IPO (for a discussion of past dividend payments see 2012 Highlights);
- Review of the Company’s plans with regards to the Apatit privatisation tender, and delegation of necessary decision-making powers to the CEO for PhosAgro to participate (for more information about PhosAgro’s ownership of Apatit, see Creating value by consolidating ownership of our production subsidiaries).
- Other:
- Election of the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Board;
- Approval of the Board Committees and Committee members;
- Review of IFRS fi nancial reporting;
- Approval of new internal by-laws, including the insider information regulations and PhosAgro’s information policy;
- Review of the external auditor’s performance and determining the auditor’s remuneration;
- Approval of related party transactions.
Members of the Board of Directors
As of 31 December 2012, the Board of Directors consisted of eight members, three of whom were Independent Non-Executive Directors (INEDs). The number of Directors and the membership of the Board of Directors are determined annually by the General Shareholders’ Meeting, with the term of appointment being one year. When choosing Board members, it is of paramount importance for the Company to fi nd the right balance between professional skills and experience, independence and industry knowledge.
According to the Corporate Governance Code of PhosAgro, which accords with the UK Corporate Governance Code and meets the requirements of the UK Financial Services Authority, the criteria of independence for members of the Board of Directors are that an Independent Director:
- cannot have had any relationship with the Company for a period of fi ve years prior to appointment to the Board;
- cannot have any relationship with a company where any of the Company’s offi cials is a member of the other company’s Board Committee for Human Resources and Remuneration;
- cannot be related by family to any senior manager of the Company or the Chief Executive Offi cer;
- cannot be a representative of the Russian federal or local state authorities;
- cannot be a senior manager in any of PhosAgro’s subsidiaries and/or hold more than 3% of the Company’s authorised capital.
The Board of Directors constantly seeks to improve its effectiveness and to comply with the recommendations of the Russian Federal Service for Financial Markets Code of Corporate Conduct, as well as internationally recognised good practice in corporate governance.
The members of the Board of Directors are normally elected at the Annual General Shareholders Meeting by cumulative voting.
During 2012, the Board of Directors held 20 meetings, six of which were carried out by absentee ballots.
Board of Directors and Committee Meeting Attendance in 2012
Name | Year of birth | Position | Year appointed | Attendance at the meetings of |
Board |
Audit Committee |
Strategy Committee | Remuneration and HR Committee | Health and Safety Committee |
Held | Attended | Held | Attended | Held | Attended | Held | Attended | Held | Attended | ||||
Sven Ombudstvedt | 1966 | Chairman of the Board of Directors Independent Non- Executive Director | 2011 | 20 | 20 | 6 | 6 | 2 | 1 | ||||
Marcus Rhodes | 1961 | Independent Non- Executive Director | 2011 | 20 | 20 | 6 | 6 | ||||||
Ivan Rodionov | 1953 | Independent Non- Executive Director | 2004 | 20 | 20 | 6 | 6 | 2 | 2 | ||||
Vladimir Litvinenko | 1955 | Non-Executive Director | 2010 | 20 | 20 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | ||||
Igor Antoshin | 1963 | Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors Non- Executive Director | 2006 | 20 | 20 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | ||
Maxim Volkov |
1972 | Executive Director | 2007 | 20 | 20 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | ||||
Vasily Loginov | 1962 | Executive Director | 2011 | 20 | 20 | 2 | 2 | ||||||
Roman Osipov | 1971 | Executive Director | 2012 | 13 | 13 | 2 | 2 |
From April 2013 Mr. Loginov no longer works at the Company.
On 30 May 2012 Roman Osipov was elected to the Board of Directors. He joined the Strategy Committee on 13 June 2012, taking the place of Sven Ombudstvedt, who had been a member of the Committee from 25 May 2011.

Chairman of the Board of Directors
Member of the Audit and Remuneration
and Human Resources Committees of
the Board of Directors
Since 2011 — Chairman of the Board of
Directors, OJSC PhosAgro
Since 2010 — Chief Executive Officer,
Norske Skogindustrier ASA
2008—2009 — Senior Vice President,
2006—2008 — Chief Financial Officer and
Head of Strategy, Yara International ASA
2003—2006 — Senior Vice President of
Upstream Operations, Yara International
2002—2003 — Senior Vice President of
Corporate Strategy, Norsk Hydro ASA
Master of Science degree in International
Management from the Thunderbird School
of Global Management (USA)
Bachelor of Science degree in Business
Administration from Pacific Lutheran
University (USA)
Mr. Ombudstvedt holds 4,000 GDRs (3 GDRs represent 1 ordinary share), or the equivalent of 0.001% of the Company’s authorised share capital.
Chairman of the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors
Since 2011 — Member of the Board of
Directors, OJSC PhosAgro
2002 — 2008 — Audit Partner, Ernst &
1998 — 2002 — Audit Partner, Arthur
Education and memberships
Graduate degree in Economics from the
University of Loughborough (UK)
Qualified Chartered Accountant, member
of the Institute of Chartered Accountants
in England & Wales (ICAEW) and member
of the Non-Executive Director Group of
Member of the Board of Directors of
Rosinter Group, Cherkizovo Group and
Tethys Petroleum
Chairman of the Remuneration and Human
Resources Committee,
Member of the Audit and Remuneration
and Human Resources Committees of
the Board of Directors
Since 2004 — Member of the Board of
Directors, OJSC PhosAgro
Since 2006 — Professor, Russian State
University for the Humanities
Since 2003 — Professor, National Research
University “Higher School of Economics”
2005—2007 — Member of the Board of
Directors, OJSC MGTS
2004—2006 —Managing Director, AIGInterros
RCF Adviser
1997—2006 — Managing Director, AIG
Brunswick Capital Management
Education and memberships
Graduate degree in Economics from
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Chairman of the Board of Trustees of
the Venture Innovation Fund
Chairman of the Strategy Committee,
Member of the Environmental,
and Safety Committee of the Board of
Since 2010 — Member of the Board of
Directors, OJSC PhosAgro
Since 1994 — Rector, St. Petersburg State
Mining University
Education and memberships
Graduate degree in Mining from
Leningrad Mining Institute named after
G.V. Plekhanov (now St. Petersburg State
Mining University, Russia)
Doctor of Engineering Science, Professor
Member of the Russian Academy of
Mr. Litvinenko directly holds shares equivalent to 5.00% of the Company’s authorised capital. Based on information available to the Company, Feivel Limited holds shares equivalent to 5.00% of PhosAgro’s share capital. In addition, all the shares in Feivel Limited are ultimately held on trust, where Mr. Litvinenko is the economic beneficiary.
Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors
Chairman of the Environmental,
Health and
Safety Committee, Member of the Strategy,
Remuneration and Human Resources
Committees of the Board of Directors
Since 2006 — Member of the Board of
Directors, OJSC PhosAgro
2009—2013 — Chief Executive Officer,
LLC Engineering Centre of PhosAgro
2006—2009— Chief Executive Officer,
OJSC PhosAgro
2004—2006 — Chief Executive Officer,
CJSC PhosAgro AG
2002—2005 — Chief Executive Officer,
OJSC PhosAgro
2002—2004 — Member of the Board of
Directors, OJSC PhosAgro
Graduate degree in Economics from
St. Petersburg State Mining University
Mr. Antoshin directly holds shares equivalent to 1.99% of the Company’s authorised capital. Based on information available to the Company, Vindemiatrix Trading Limited holds shares equivalent to 5.01% of PhosAgro’s share capital. In addition, all the shares in Vindemiatrix Trading Limited are ultimately held on trust, where Mr. Antoshin is the economic beneficiary.
Chief Executive Officer,
OJSC PhosAgro
Member of the Strategy, Environmental,
Health and Safety Committees of
the Board of Directors
Since 2009 — Chief Executive Officer,
OJSC PhosAgro
Since 2007 — Member of the Board of
Directors, OJSC PhosAgro
2011–2012 — Chief Executive Officer,
CJSC PhosAgro AG
2006—2009 — Chief Executive Officer,
CJSC PhosAgro AG
2005—2006 — Chief Executive Officer,
OJSC PhosAgro
2003—2005 — Chief Financial Officer,
CJSC PhosAgro AG
Deputy Chief Executive Officer
for Economic Affairs and Finance,
OJSC PhosAgro
2002—2004 — Member of the Board of
Directors, OJSC PhosAgro
1996—2002 — Auditor, Arthur Andersen
Graduate degree in Engineering from Baltic
State Technical University “VOENMEH”
named after D.F. Ustinov (Russia)
Master of Science degree from Bodø
Graduate School of Business (Norway)
Mr. Volkov directly holds shares equivalent to 1.00% of the Company’s authorised capital. In addition, Menoza Trading Limited holds shares and GDRs equivalent to 1.23% of PhosAgro’s share capital. All the shares in Menoza Trading Limited are ultimately held on trust, where Mr. Volkov is the economic beneficiary.
Deputy Chief Executive Officer,
OJSC PhosAgro
Member of the Environmental,
and Safety Committee of the Board of
2012-2013 – Deputy Chief Executive Officer,
OJSC PhosAgro
2011-2013 — Member of the Board of
Directors, OJSC PhosAgro
Deputy Chief Executive Officer, CJSC
PhosAgro AG
2011–2012 – Chief Executive Officer, LLC
2008—2011 — Head of Sales and Foreign
Affairs, CJSC PhosAgro AG
Since 2006 — Member of the Management
Board, CJSC PhosAgro AG
2006—2007 — Member of the Board
of Directors, the Research Institute for
Fertilizers and Insectofungicides (NIUIF)
2006—2008 — First Deputy Chief Executive
Officer, CJSC PhosAgro AG
2005—2006 —First Deputy Chief
Executive Officerfor Sales and Logistics,
CJSC PhosAgro AG
Prior to 2005 — Held various management
positions at Mars LLC, CJSC Russian Product,
CJSC Mistiko and CJSC Vital
Diploma in Engineering from Riga Higher
Military Aviation Engineering School
named after Janis Alksnis (Latvia)
Qualified as an English-speaking officer at
the Dzerzhinsky Higher School of the KGB
Graduate degree in International Relations
and Foreign Policy from the Red Banner
Institute of the KGB named after Yuri
Andropov (now the Academy of Foreign
Intelligence, Russia)
Director of Business Development,
OJSC PhosAgro
Member of the Strategy Committee of
the Board of Directors
Since 2013 – Director of Business
Development, OJSC PhosAgro
2012–2013 – Advisor to the CEO, OJSC PhosAgro
2012 – Deputy CEO for Business Development,
CJSC PhosAgro AG
2009–2012 – Chief Financial Officer,
CJSC PhosAgro AG
2008–2009 – Deputy Chief Financial Officer,
CJSC PhosAgro AG
2003–2008 – Held various financial
management positions, GAZ Group
2002–2003 – Auditor, Ernst & Young
1998–2002 – Senior Consultant, Arthur
Graduate degree from Baltic State Technical
University “VOENMEH” named after
D.F. Ustinov (Russia)
Master of Science degree from LETI Lovanium
International School of Management (now
the International School of Management,
- Independent Non-Executive Director
- Non-Executive Director
- Executive Director