Research and Development

We have two R&D units that are important to our continued modernisation and upgrade work. They help us develop new products and production technologies, and improve existing ones, as well as leading to more efficient, reliable, environmentally-safe, resource- and energy-saving solutions.

Scientific Research Institute for Fertilizers and Insectofungicide

The Scientific Research Institute for Fertilizers and Insectofungicide (NIUIF) is the only research institute in Russia specialising in research anddevelopment in the phosphate-based fertilizer industry with the focuson environmentally friendly and resource efficient technologies. NIUIF isthe centre for academic study in the area of mineral fertilizers, sulphuricand phosphoric acids, industrial salts and other products of fundamentalchemistry, as well as processes and equipment for the production ofsaid products. Since the foundation of NIUIF in 1919, more than 80 plantsproducing sulphuric acid, phosphoric acid, fertilizers and/or industrial saltshave been constructed and commissioned based on NIUIF developments. NIUIF currently holds 64 active patents covering most aspects of phosphoricand sulphuric acid production, refining and subsequent fertilizer production. In addition, seven Eurasian Patents are in the process of receiving national patents.

NIUIF employed 101 people as of 31 December 2012, many of whom hold advanced degrees. Examples of PhosAgro projects developed and implemented in cooperation with NIUIF include:

  • Developing specifications for design engineering work for the production of granulated NPK fertilizers in accordance withthe requested assortment and production output at BMF;
  • Developing specifications for a 12% increase to phosphoric acid capacity at BMF;
  • Developing specifications for engineering for a vacuum-evaporating installation with production capacity of 200 kt of P₂O₅ per year;
  • Researching technologies and the physical-chemical characteristics, developing new sorts and production technologies for chlorine-freeand chlorine-containing granulated PK and NPK fertilizers;
  • Developing technologies for the manufacture of new sorts of phosphor-potash fertilizers (PKS) like 0-20-20-5S
  • Modernisation of scrubbing systems and receiving approval for an improved method of measuring concentrations of SO₃ and H₂SO₄; ingas emissions into the atmosphere from sulphuric acid systems at PhosAgro-Cherepovets. As a result of this work the concentrationof these substances in emissions reached 4.9-7.9 mg/nm³, which isbelow the recommended levels for best available techniques.

Mining and Chemical Engineering

Our second R&D unit, Mining and Chemical Engineering (MCE),specialises in developing project documentation. MCE provides overalltechnical and engineering support relating to our investments in theconstruction of new and modernisation of existing production facilities, and provides PhosAgro with general engineering support, includingwith regards to entering new businesses. MCE develops project andbudget documentation for the development of our natural resourcebase, for beneficiation and chemical production facilities, and providesoversight for the implementation of the project documentation ithas developed. MCE uses the most modern computer programmesavailable in its work.

MCE also designs technical specifications and provides support to PhosAgro in relation to exploration and mining activities at Apatit. MCE supports us in our negotiations with foreign engineering companies, Russian research institutions, design offices and learning centres. MCE employed 412 people as of 31 December 2012.
