PhosAgro in the Domestic Fertilizer Market
PhosAgro is the largest producer of phosphate-based fertilizers in Russia, with a market share of 54% in 2012. We have developed our own distribution network and logistics inside Russia, which enable us to sell end products directly to domestic customers in some of Russia’s top agricultural regions (see Distribution and Logistics for more details on our distribution and logistics operations).
Russia’s fertilizer market is among the fastest-growing in the world, driven by the recovery of the agricultural sector that has been taking hold in the last decade. While Soviet-era consumption rates may not be representative of the full potential of the Russian fertilizer market due to overstated application at that time, current fertilizer consumption growth rates and the expanding agricultural sector make our domestic market an important growth opportunity.
#1 phosphate fertilizer supplier for domestic market

Fertilizer consumption
in Russia mln t of nutrients